Adventurous Awareness

Finding the Freedom to Be Yourself

Adventure is a powerful word. It conjures up stories, images, and emotion. Adventurous experiences challenge us, connect us, and change us. Through adventure we learn about ourselves, each other, and our world. Through adventure, we gain the power to transform.Adventure-based coaching utilizes adventure learning methodology combined with mindfulness practices and communication training....

Take the Adventure Within


Adventure-based learning brings the Adventure to you.Through workshops designed with the journey in mind participants will engage in group activity and discussion that guides self-paced learning and growth. Participants are given ultimate choice in how they participate and share the responsibility for co-creating an inclusive and transformative learning environment. This is a group adventure, all are welcome and everyone contributes value.


Bring Lisa to your site for customized Adventure-based workshops that help you create an inclusive, healthy, and thriving workplace for all.

  • Team Development

  • Leadership Training

  • Skillful Communication

  • Mindful Stress Resilience


The Adventure approach to coaching incorporates growth mindset with mindfulness practices that support
Take your learning deeper with group or individual coaching.


Adventure changed my life and through adventure you can change yours.20 years ago I took my first adventure-based learning workshop. It not only enhanced the way I approached my work as a teacher it ignited a change in the course of my professional career, and in the past 20 years it has helped deepen my sense of self-confidence and my ability to communicate and collaborate, build a loving family of friends and supporters around me, and continue to face challenge with resilience for continuous growth and empowerment.All that AND, I didn’t have to climb the highest mountains, trek months into the wilderness, or set sail into uncharted waters. Literally, that is. Like those adventures, I did have to step out of my comfort zone, face my fears and dig deep into my own power and resilience.Are you ready for the Journey?

Contact Lisa

Adventurous awareness

Adventurous Awareness is all about You. You are your own greatest resource and your own biggest barrier. The key is to see the difference. We all go through life knowing and showing only parts of ourselves, and this impacts everything around us. If you are seeking change, the first step is self-awareness.

The Choice is Yours

Empowerment begins with deepening understanding of the dynamics of choice and control. Learn how to make conscious choices in your day to day and better discern when and how to be in control.

Lead Yourself First

Often Leadership training is focused on getting the results you want from the people around you. This workshop is about YOU. What's the impact you have on those around you? How can you apply a growth mindset to yourself so that you can embrace the learning side of leading and guide by example?

Self-Careful Boundaries

One of the most important yet often overlooked self-care skills is setting appropriate boundaries. Healthy boundaries provide a layer of protection between you and the world. Is your boundary buried? Is it constantly being trampled? Or is it razor wire that cuts anyone who tries to cross? What if your boundary could provide protection and safety on both sides?

Find Your Voice

Gain confidence in speaking up. Say what you mean and mean what you say. Face hard conversations with confidence and poise. Stop avoiding and deflecting.

Mindful Stress Resilience

Aka how not to lose your shit when shit hits the fan.

Active EQ Cohorts

These 6-week cohorts are designed for those who are ready to make the commitment toward empowered personal growth and transformation.
Go deeper into Emotional Intelligence
Face Hard Conversations